Every adult has pubic hair, it is the gift we received once we reached puberty. The growth of this hair indicates adult hood, but for some people it is more of any annoyance than anything else. People are always trying different methods to remove their pubic hair. Methods range from shaving, waxing to laser hair removal. Each method has its benefits but this blog will focus on laser pubic hair removal.
Pubic hair in most adults tends to be very curly. The curliness of the hair often makes it very hard to shave, this will result in a higher chance that the hair might become ingrown if the pubic region is shaved.
Pubic laser hair removal is an extremely popular option for people who would love to have less hair in their nether region. Waxing is a good option also, but it is very painful and the hair grows back faster than if you had the laser. Pubic laser hair removal can offer permanent hair reduction if done properly.
The laser works on all hair types, but if you are light skinned and have dark colored hair then you have become the better candidate of this procedure. This is because the laser targets the pigment in the hair. As stated above, the darker the color of your pubic hair is the better results you will be able to receive. The bad thing about the laser is if you have dark skin, the laser will also target the pigment in the skin. This means you could have some discoloration that could last for months.
Pubic hair removal laser will reduce the hair in the area by 1/3rds if it is done properly. Once the hair that grows back will be very thin and have a much lighter color.